Friday, May 9, 2014

Glitter Gender Reveal Eggs

In my search for how to tell my ten year old son the gender of our new baby later this month, I found blown-out glitter-filled eggs! I think this is just an adorable idea, so I set out to make some. They're not how I'll be telling him, but I think I might use the photos to announce on the internet.

These are simple to make, but time-consuming. The first thing you have to do is blow out your eggs. I used this tutorial. I had to make one of my holes a little bit bigger to be able to get the glitter and paper inside. After I blew out my eggs, I dyed them. I did this after so that they would be dyed a bit on the inside, as well. I used the McCormick food coloring dye chart (shown in this entry) to get a pretty light green. I had to hold them under the dye with a spoon because I couldn't quite get them full enough to sink. Then I let them dry for a couple of days. Finally, I covered the smaller hole with a tiny piece of tape and created a funnel with a small hole out of paper. Then I drew my messages on small slips of paper with Sharpie colored markers. Finally, it was time to fill the eggs! I very carefully used my funnels to fill the eggs with glitter, then rolled up my messages and slipped them inside. I covered those whole with small bits of tape as well, and shook the eggs to get glitter all over the inside. Then I got to crack them and take pictures.

These would make cute baby announcements ("Baby B Due to Hatch 10/18/2014" with gender neutral colors) or gender announcements. Since they're lightweight, they would be cheap to mail to out of town friends and relatives. Just add a little "Crack Me!" note inside the box. You MIGHT want to be nice enough to warn them to crack them over tissue paper or something else to contain the mess. Or you might not. ;-)


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