Saturday, May 3, 2014


Well. I was going to post on Friday, but all day yesterday I kept thinking it was Thursday. Then I decided I'd just do this craft with the kids today. Only to find my borax missing. I was hoping I'd find it admist my Saturday cleaning, but alas. BUT! Never fear! I actually made this awhile ago pre-blog and am just going to use those pictures... minus all the steps.... sorry, but it's an entry? Yes. We'll go with that.


My  nephew was really unsure of this substance at first... Mr K just kept saying "no no no!"  

But he soon warmed up to the idea!!!

And by the end of the day our two colors had mixed into this swampy green! I recommend this  project any day of the week!

And the recipe:

In one bowl mix...
3/4 cup warm water
1 cup of Elmers Glue
(Food Coloring Optional if  you want it a particular color)

In bowl two mix...

1/2 c. warm water
2 tsp Borax (found in cleaning aisles)

Then pour mixture two into mixture one and begin working it with your  hands, it will instantly start to become stringy. Continue to work it until you have a smooth "slime" to play with! Enjoy!!!!

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