Saturday, May 31, 2014

"I'm Bored" a chart for summer!!!

I keep seeing charts, lists, and calenders of activities for summer. I decided to make my own quick version for the boys. We tried to put things on the chart that we should be able to finish in the next few months.

The hardest part was filling in all the squares. Our grid is 2"x2" squares making it a total of 126 ideas. I used various lists on Pinterest for inspiration, adjusting ones I needed to and adding our own ideas as well. The idea is to color all the squares in by the time school starts.

(Oh and if you're wondering where the herb garden post is? They MAY of died on me when they got waterlogged... I couldn't nurse them back to health... maybe I'll get to try again next year... so far I'm 3/0 in years I've planted and how many gardens made it past spring)

Friday, May 23, 2014

PJ Pants Upcycled Into a Bib

This is probably one of the simplest projects I have ever done! You just used your favorite style of bib and an old pair of pj pants (or a shirt) to create a bib for your baby.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Butter Making!!!

My youngest was studying pioneer days this week. Today they were taking a trip to Sauder Village. Earlier this week, he had a project-list of things to do and chose to make butter. Much easier than I expected to be honest!!

All you need... (not shown is ice)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Glitter Gender Reveal Eggs

In my search for how to tell my ten year old son the gender of our new baby later this month, I found blown-out glitter-filled eggs! I think this is just an adorable idea, so I set out to make some. They're not how I'll be telling him, but I think I might use the photos to announce on the internet.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Well. I was going to post on Friday, but all day yesterday I kept thinking it was Thursday. Then I decided I'd just do this craft with the kids today. Only to find my borax missing. I was hoping I'd find it admist my Saturday cleaning, but alas. BUT! Never fear! I actually made this awhile ago pre-blog and am just going to use those pictures... minus all the steps.... sorry, but it's an entry? Yes. We'll go with that.