Friday, February 7, 2014

Ombre Toddler Dress

So, this week I did something super simple, because... Today is my daughter's first birthday! I'm neck deep in preparations for her party on the 16th, so I didn't have much time to spare. 

Lil Bit needs clothes for spring/summer in the size she's about to grow into, so when I found myself in Hobby Lobby (again), I couldn't pass up these adorable, comfy-looking dresses. I grabbed one in white (there were several colors and a few patterns, and I'm sure I'll go back for more) and a pack of purple dye mix. I brought it all home, whipped up the dye, and did an ombre dip dye on the dress. I just alsubmerged it up to the armholes and then pulled it out a few inches every few minutes. It didn't quite turn out how I expected, and the dye pooled in wrinkles while washing and made a really neat abstract design of hot pink, and I might have accidentally dripped dye all over my bathroom... But isn't this dress cute?!


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