Friday, February 28, 2014

Addicted to Cilantro...

Ok. I'm sick and tired of cold. I don't even care about the snow... it's the cold that I can't stand. Give me snow in 40 degree weather and I can live with it. But for now we wait for this snow to blow over, and I'll just keep telling myself spring is around the corner. Meaning my pots out front will need something in them.

I tried last year to plant an herb garden. By the end of the season, I had dirt, no sprouts. I also used old seeds. So we're going to try to do better this year. I heard about planting in toilet paper rolls so I've been religiously saving them for this project. Here we go.

I figure I need all the help I can get so Miracle Grow: Seed Starting Potting Mix sounded promising. Seeds which I bought at Walmart, a container for them to stand in and of course toilet paper rolls. (As many as you have seeds.)

I didn't buy any tags or anything. I will probably come up with something else when I transfer these to the pots outside, but for now, I'm just labeling the rolls themselves. (Don't mind my scratches... puppy still gets a bit rough during playtime...)

Water. All plants need water. Lots of water. (The dirt around the tubes is just for added stability.)

Put seeds in each tube. I did no math here. No "half inch apart".. you can do what you want. I am going by the philosophy that if I stick it in the ground, it'll grow, or it won't...  so pile of seeds in each tube. Check.

Top with soil. And more water. 

This just looks like a mess... but hopefully by keeping it on the window sill I will have sprouts in a few weeks and be able to follow up this project when we plant them outside in the pot and windowsill box! 

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