Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rocket Pack

So. I saw this a few weeks ago and was going to make it, but then I waited on bottles.. yay recycling. Then my son had surgery on his arm, to get a pin put in, after he broke it at the start of summer. It's just been hectic. But alas, here we are... one little rocket pack, sans child to play with it yet...(Those pictures will be later)

I got this idea from here. So first we started with 2 liter bottles that we painted silver. I used this.
And we ended up with:

I didn't take alot of pictures of the next few parts. I took a piece of cardboard that would fit both bottles. I then looped a piece of nylon to make the arm holes, and sandwiched it all between another piece of cardboard.

  I then hot glued the other piece of cardboard on top of this. Though apon good inspection I'm pretty sure that the straps are going to be way to long for my nephew but that's what I get for not following the original instructions perfectly... 

Cut out some felt flames... stuff in the hole... hot glue. Don't mind the silver nail... that's what happens when I spray paint things.

Glue the bottles onto the cardboard after this and you have one finished jetpack... just need the child to come play with it!!!

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