Monday, June 30, 2014

Snake Bubbles...

Bubble snakes. Not a craft... but a really good activity? Yea. We'll go with that!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Beach Towel Roll

My husband has some slightly crazy luck. He recently managed to trade an old dune buggy he had that he hadn't touched since he got it for... A BOAT. It needed some work and still needs a bit, but we are extremely close to having it water-worthy! So I've been thinking about needing a way to carry around sunscreen. See, we have our adult sunscreen and bug spray and my Neutrogena face sunblock and baby sunblock. It can be a little difficult to remember it all when we're spending a day outside. So, I wanted a way to store it all and just grab it and go... I thought a Beach Towel Roll would be perfect, so I started Googling. I couldn't find anything! So I had to wing it.

1. Fold your beach towel in half, because really it's way longer than you'll need. Sew around all four edges.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rocket Pack

So. I saw this a few weeks ago and was going to make it, but then I waited on bottles.. yay recycling. Then my son had surgery on his arm, to get a pin put in, after he broke it at the start of summer. It's just been hectic. But alas, here we are... one little rocket pack, sans child to play with it yet...(Those pictures will be later)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Painter's Tape Paintings

This week, I wanted to do a craft with both of my "littles," though my son isn't so little anymore. He's out of school for the summer now, so it's nice to always have a little something to do. We decided to try out Painter's Tape art. I created Lil Miss' design.