Friday, February 28, 2014

Addicted to Cilantro...

Ok. I'm sick and tired of cold. I don't even care about the snow... it's the cold that I can't stand. Give me snow in 40 degree weather and I can live with it. But for now we wait for this snow to blow over, and I'll just keep telling myself spring is around the corner. Meaning my pots out front will need something in them.

I tried last year to plant an herb garden. By the end of the season, I had dirt, no sprouts. I also used old seeds. So we're going to try to do better this year. I heard about planting in toilet paper rolls so I've been religiously saving them for this project. Here we go.

I figure I need all the help I can get so Miracle Grow: Seed Starting Potting Mix sounded promising. Seeds which I bought at Walmart, a container for them to stand in and of course toilet paper rolls. (As many as you have seeds.)

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Rainbow First Birthday

When I was browsing Pinterest and came across a photo of a rainbow themed birthday party, I instantly knew that THAT was what I had to do for my baby girl's first birthday! You see, she is my husband's rainbow baby - a rainbow baby is a baby that comes after the loss a pregnancy, infant, or child. My husband's only other child, his sweet baby girl, was stillborn in the summer of 2010. When we started seeing one another in late 2011, he told me early on that if we were going to have children, he wanted to do it quickly, because (he thinks) he's getting old. Our relationship has been an absolute whirlwind, and only seven months after we got together and a few months before the wedding we had been planning, we were pregnant. The pregnancy was hard for him, having a 39 week stillborn makes it difficult to believe that everything will be okay until it's staring you in the face. So the idea of a rainbow birthday party to celebrate his rainbow was perfect. And so I set out to make it happen.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Kusudama Ball.

This is called a Kusadama Ball and ended up being a longer... project than I anticipated and that's after making one before. lol We are going to jump right into the tut before Angela is poking me wondering where my post is!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Ombre Toddler Dress

So, this week I did something super simple, because... Today is my daughter's first birthday! I'm neck deep in preparations for her party on the 16th, so I didn't have much time to spare.