Friday, January 10, 2014

Valentine Tutu Outfit

I made my daughter this adorable Valentine's Day outfit over the course of two afternoons! It's easy, but a little time consuming.

Want to know how I did it? 

First, create your applique. Take a scrap piece of fabric, and following the package directions, apply Heat N Bond to the back. Draw or trace your design on the back of the Heat N Bond. Remember, you'll want to make this a mirror image, as you're drawing on the back. Obviously, with a generic, non-anatomically correct heart, it doesn't matter.

Next, cut out your design and remove the paper backing from the Heat N Bond. Place your design right side up on your shirt or onesie, and following the directions from the Heat N Bond, iron it on.

Then you end up with something like this! A little too plain, don't you think? Plus, the Heat N Bond might let go after a few washes.

Simply sew around the edges of your design with a nice zigzag stitch on your machine. I used the hand wheel for this instead of the foot pedal, just to keep better control of my fabric so my stitching would like nicer.

Now you can move on to cutting out the tulle for your skirt! I used a roll of 6" wide tulle. I cut each piece to about 10" long, but I've discovered that's a bit too long for my 11 month old. When she sits, it's just long enough to get tucked up under her feet, so when she stands up, sometimes she stands on it and trips herself. But, better too long than too short! You can always cut some off later.

Next, you will thread through the tulle with a hand needle...

And then pull it tight to ruffle the tulle. I used about 12 cuts of tulle each for the front and back. Experiment! You'll need more for an older child or a fuller skirt.

Once you have all the tulle for the front strung up, pin the heck out of it to the front of your shirt or onesie, then do the same for the back!

Next, use that handy zigzag stitch to sew the tulle on. This doesn't have to be perfect. You'll see why!

Now, take a wide piece of ribbon and sew over the tulle! Don't get it too tight, you still want the waist to stretch! First, sew the bottom edge of your ribbon. Then you can pull it away and trim off any excess tulle that is going to stick out of the top if you're like me and didn't get it even remotely straight. You can even snip away that zigzag stitch if some of it is poking out, since it's no longer holding the skirt in place. Once all your timming is done, go back and sew along the top edge of your ribbon.

What's that? All done? Well, if you love it like this, sure! I personally thought it needed a bit more...

So I dug up a few white buttons and sewed them over some of the polka dots with pink embroidery floss for a bit of a POP.

Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen? Her outfit's pretty adorable, too.* I'm one proud Momma, y'all.

If y'all make a tutu outfit, please share it with us! 


*Babylegs from Spenk & Ollie Creations,
this Momma's favorite WAHM shop!

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