Friday, January 3, 2014

Play-Dough Sensory Box for a Snowday!

Hello! New blogs... and making the first post... scary, no? A little. It's daunting. I'm being told "hardly anyone will read it at first" as if... oh no... what if many people read it later!? Oh well, this is my brilliant idea, joining a blog with a partner in crime whom you'll meet next Friday. Hopefully one of us posting each Friday for the year of 2014... buckle up, this could be a bumpy ride!

We're going to start easy, with a play-dough sensory box. I found this recipe at The Creative Mama. It doesn't get any closer to the store-bought brand than this folks! It keeps super well, and has the same texture as store brand!

Not shown? Food coloring, I opted out of using kool-aid this time... and used baby oil because it smells nice. Potato photos. Yay.

Throw it all into a bowl like so and stir it up.
Throw it into a pan on med-high heat. It should be runny but thick, like glue.
Keep stirring.
By now, it'll be thick. At this point you can flatten it and flip it as it cooks.
Flip it onto your counter. Knead it. If it feels sticky, just cook it a bit longer.
 Done. Here we have white and blue. I ended up making more blue and some blue glitter dough too, it looks grey, sadly.

Now to make our box up. My son L informed me we needed snowmen kits, time to get out the felt and pipe cleaners. I just cut out these basic shapes, for mittens and earmuffs, and some strips of felt for scarves.
Then we sandwich the shape with some hot glue and the pipe cleaners.... we're going to continue, putting one mitten on the ends of pipe cleaner pieces, and earmuffs on both ends for earmuffs.
First L decided that he didn't want to pick up any of the dough, and just made snow faces.
Then a large snowman using all the dough!
Then he made me a few little snowmen.

L's favorite part of indoor snow activities is that he can stay warm while he plays!

All in all I think I spent an hour throwing together the dough, which goes super quickly and a handful of snowman pieces for him to play with! I'll call this activity a success! Thanks to Creative Mama for her play-dough recipe! I'll never buy store bought again!


  1. I wish my boys liked play dough!

    1. My youngest asked for a play-dough set for Christmas, but I refuse to buy them. He has already moved on from the snowmen and has tracked knives and cookie cutters into the box for his personal use now lol! And just made me starburst pizza... lol
