Friday, January 17, 2014

An oobleck swamp...

I wasn't going to do another sensory box. But then my friend S came to visit, and I had made some oobleck for her, and her mind was blown. If you've never made oobleck, I suggest doing so... everything about it is amazing! It's liquid, then it's solid, and then it's liquid again. Not to mention it's affordable fun! Each box of cornstarch was 1$, and the insects we picked up at our local Dollar Tree.

I can't tell you how many times we've made oobleck in the past 4 months or so, even the adults love playing with it!

First we started with an insect bug box. My youngest loves bugs! He catches them all summer long and is always reading about them.

You're going to need these things:

Then we emptied all 4 boxes of cornstarch into our Sensory Bin...

We put green food color and water in a spray bottle and spritzed our cornstarch until we had a packable swampy "snow"... 

Put our insects and some glass marbles in for fun...

We started playing just like that... packing and moving the insects around...

We added a pond...

And as L played he continued to add more and more water, watching as the substance constantly changed.. .
 Oobleck is amazing fun. Scientifically it's a "non-Newtonian Substance" that has unique properties. If you move slow, it's a liquid... if you move fast... it'll harden and hold shape in  your hand before "melting" back into a puddle. I will say that this project is probably only good indoors with older children, or on hardwood. It cleans up fine being that it's only cornstarch and water! Have fun!

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