Friday, January 31, 2014

DIY Dog Toys

My turn? Already? As slow as January has seemed to have gone for my family... it's still strange to think it's my turn to post!

So, big news!!! Last week, we got a puppy. A Miniature Australian Shepherd, who is probably the cutest thing ever! Look at this face! His name is Zuko and I'm in looooooove.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

An oobleck swamp...

I wasn't going to do another sensory box. But then my friend S came to visit, and I had made some oobleck for her, and her mind was blown. If you've never made oobleck, I suggest doing so... everything about it is amazing! It's liquid, then it's solid, and then it's liquid again. Not to mention it's affordable fun! Each box of cornstarch was 1$, and the insects we picked up at our local Dollar Tree.

I can't tell you how many times we've made oobleck in the past 4 months or so, even the adults love playing with it!

First we started with an insect bug box. My youngest loves bugs! He catches them all summer long and is always reading about them.

You're going to need these things:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Valentine Tutu Outfit

I made my daughter this adorable Valentine's Day outfit over the course of two afternoons! It's easy, but a little time consuming.

Want to know how I did it? 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Play-Dough Sensory Box for a Snowday!

Hello! New blogs... and making the first post... scary, no? A little. It's daunting. I'm being told "hardly anyone will read it at first" as if... oh no... what if many people read it later!? Oh well, this is my brilliant idea, joining a blog with a partner in crime whom you'll meet next Friday. Hopefully one of us posting each Friday for the year of 2014... buckle up, this could be a bumpy ride!

We're going to start easy, with a play-dough sensory box. I found this recipe at The Creative Mama. It doesn't get any closer to the store-bought brand than this folks! It keeps super well, and has the same texture as store brand!

Not shown? Food coloring, I opted out of using kool-aid this time... and used baby oil because it smells nice. Potato photos. Yay.